Tuesday, 7 December 2021

3 Must Have Pumps for Industrial Applications

Chemical processing is an integrated part of most industrial sectors such as textile, oil & gas, print, etc. For effective workflow, there are various types of machinery and tools that are inevitable for these sectors; for instance, industrial pumps.

Talking of industrial pumps, in this blog we have covered the three most crucial industrial pumps that are a must-have. Let’s begin.

Centrifugal pump

Centrifugal pump, also known as dynamic pressure pump or hydrodynamic pump is the most commonly used in diverse industries. These pumps work on the principle of centrifugal force that refers to an outward pressure on a mass when rotated. They are used to increase flow or to elevate a fluid from a low to a high level. A centrifugal pump is a device that transforms rotational energy, often from a motor, to energy in a flowing fluid. 

Parameters like modular construction, high interchangeability, fast delivery, and many more are taken into consideration while designing a pump by an advanced centrifugal pump manufacturer

High-quality centrifugal pumps are employed in the rubber, chemical, and power sectors, as well as in the laminate and textile industries, water desalination facilities, and fertilizer plants.

Triplex plunger pump

Compared to a standard water pump, triplex or three plunger pumps facilitate extreme suction by generating high pressure. These triplex plungers are employed in industrial operations such as mining, gas extracting, and oil sectors. They are huge assistance when it comes to car washing. These pumps are quite rare in homes.

These pumps can work with abrasion gases, harsh fluids, slurries and solvents, and a variety of other semi-solid materials that a jetted pump cannot. Because a triplex plunger pump has longevity and is simple to manage, it is utilized in a wide range of sectors whereby excessive water pressure is desired. They have tremendous cleaning ability, which allows the employees to clean the space swiftly.

Chemical process pump

Chemical process pumps are appropriate for the transfer of corrosive chemicals, plating chemicals, acids, dyes, solvents, hazardous & fuming liquids, petrol, kerosene, and other similar substances. A chemical process pump is beneficial in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and food processing sectors. Further, there are two types of chemical process pumps, i.e., metallic and non-metallic. 

On an ending note, these are just a few of various significant pumps used in distinct industrial segments. Surely, they play a vital role in the production and work processes.

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

The Working Principle of a Hydro Test Pump

A hydro test pump is used while conducting high-pressure testing of pumps and tubes. Boilers and high-pressure valves are also tested using the same technique. The pump also proves to be useful if you wish to detect leaks. The idea is to buy the best set of equipment for conducting flow testing (and ascertaining water pressure).

Pressure test pumps need to be thoroughly checked before it is put to use. The idea is to buy only the best equipment for flow testing. Go for the best pressure test pump if you wish to get your hands on the best equipment for flow testing. You might also want to go for a hydro test pump if you wish to check fluid pressure vessels, such as tube pipes and boilers, with ease.

This is how a hydro test pump works:

  • The pressure vessel that needs to be tested remains within the sealed vessel. It is the sealed vessel that gets filled with a liquid that’s incompressible.  Oil and/or water can be used to fill the sealed vessel in most cases. The pressure vessel is then put through a considerable degree of internal pressure for a pre-defined period of time. Interestingly, different pressure test pump serve different purposes. 

  • All testing is done at the lowest point of access within the system. Pipes, fittings, and joints need to be examined beforehand. The idea is to keep all the leaks at bay. The readings need to stay within the 5 PSI mark. There are times when a significant drop in the pressure levels indicates a flaw in the pump. This can also, at times, bring to light a severe problem dealing with the system’s integrity. 

Choosing Between Electric Test Pumps and Gas-Powered Test Pumps

  • Most of the pressure test pumps you come across would be electric. They are low on speed than most gas-powered pumps. However, they are preferred over gas-powered pumps because they are easy to use. Electric pumps happen to be ideal for all those who wish to keep fuels of all kinds out of the picture. Also, if you are planning to work indoors, then electric pumps would certainly come in handy because an electric pump does not give rise to toxic fumes.
  • If you are planning to work at a rate of knots, then go for the pumps that are powered using gas. The thing is: gas-powered pumps are high on pressure and are usually reserved for large-scale tasks. Take this for an example: you’ll put a big gas-powered pump to use if you planning to conduct a standpipe test that involves a fairly tall building.

Also, it is really important to choose only the best hydro test pump if you are planning to buy one anytime soon. It goes without saying that there certainly won’t be a dearth of options when you hit the market in order to search for the ideal pressure test pump. However, you need to choose the best alternative without worrying too much about the price.

Thursday, 26 August 2021

Significance of Diaphragm Pumps in the Chemical Industry

Significance of Diaphragm Pumps in the Chemical Industry: Chemical pumps are made of materials that can tolerate high viscosity, corrosion, and abrasion. Pumps that can handle these chemicals without triggering production halts or pump failures are much in demand in the chemical...

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Learn the Differences Between a Centrifugal Pump and a Reciprocating Pump

Centrifugal pumps and reciprocating pumps are types of pumps used to move fluid to increase the pressure. The main difference between them is, the centrifugal pump uses kinetic energy to force the fluid that converts into pressure and moves upward to supply domestic water supply to the household. The reciprocating pump is one of the positive displacement pumps that contains a piston device. It is used for high viscous fluids.

Centrifugal pump manufacturers design these pumps to help the residences to have a continuous flow of water supply with the help of the most common centrifugal pump, that is, an impeller that rotates and converts the fluid.

A triplex plunger pump is a sub-type of the reciprocating pump where a certain amount of fluid enters and discharges with a pressure. There are specific categories of a positive displacement type according to its classifications.

Reciprocating Pump:

The pump handles a small quantity of liquid, and the discharge is pulsating.

It is used for pure water and not viscous fluid

Reciprocating pump installation cost is more with less efficiency.

To install a pump, it needs a larger area as it is complicated and creates noise.

Because of cavitation and separation, this pump runs at a low speed.

This pump costs nearly four times more than a centrifugal pump.

A belt drive is necessary, and it is a complicated construction with more parts needed.

The reciprocating pump cannot handle dirty water and needs priming.

Centrifugal Pump:

• Centrifugal pump handles a large number of fluids to release pressure like hydro pressure test pump. It also discharges smoothly and continuously.

It helps in lifting high viscous fluids.

High efficiency and low installation cost.

Needs a smaller floor area with low maintenance.

This pump runs at high speed smoothly without much noise.

Simple construction with fewer spare parts directly coupled with an electric motor.

Needs priming and can handle dirty water.

A dynamic pump is the best example of a centrifugal pump.

Similarly, hydrostatic test pump or hydro test pumps are used in residential and commercial constructions to help the pressure move upward to provide the water supply.

Monday, 8 February 2021

Everything You Need to know about Drum and Hand-operated Pump

There are different kinds of pumps in the market. Many would question why to opt for a drum pump or hand-operated while there are laboratory pumps available.

Hand-operated barrel pumps are economical and flexible, whereas drums easily transfer fluids from barrels to drums. Drum pump helps to transfer up to 200 litres of fluids, and manually operated pumps transfer water or fuel from containers to tanks.

Let us understand the uses of hand-operated barrel pump and drum pump:

Hand-operated pump
Manually operated pumps are economical and easy to use pumps. They include a piston, rotary hand-operated drum, siphon, and diaphragm. The material used in these pumps is low-cost maintenance pumps crafted with low-cost plastics, stainless steel, or PTFE. These pumps are used as vacuum pumps used in laboratories for checking any leakages, filtering, siphoning and many more. Companies use triplex plunger pump to get high-pressure force with low-maintenance.

Drum Pumps
Drum pumps can include electric-driven motors or air-operated motors. These motors can be batch controlled for automatic dispensing of preset volumes. The pumping material should be compatible with any chemical, which means even if it is of stainless steel, plastic, or PVDF, it should be prone to chemical agents for pumping. Drum pumps may offer large and small container capacities.

Use of pumps

Economical: Many Hand-operated barrel pumps are available at affordable prices.

Flexibility: The use of adapters can enable the use of drum or manual pumps with a range of containers.

Safety: Air-operated can be used where electric powers are operated and can be harmful, whereas manual pumps are ideal for disposable pumps.

Compatibility: Pumps are available with a different set of tubes for better compatibility with any application.

Plunger pump manufacturers have designed triplex plunger pump to operate when there is a high-pressure of fluids to be transferred as drum pumps seals may wear out faster due to the pressure. Different companies use different pumps according to their requirement and the number of fluids to be transferred.